
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
The oldest manuscript of Mark found on a mummy, what cities read their Bible, Obama meets Pastor Saeed's family and then we discuss scriptures that are largely misused.

Saturday Jan 17, 2015
Saturday Jan 17, 2015
Duke allows the Muslim call to prayer then retracts, gay marriage decisions on the line in the Supreme Court, the boy from the book The Boy Who Went to Heaven recants, then we start a series on types in the Bible beginning with the firstborn child.

Thursday Jan 08, 2015
Thursday Jan 08, 2015
The most persecuted countries in the world, TLC's new contraversal new series about Mormons who have gay tendencies, some abortion related legislation, and then we discuss the improbability of Darwinistic macro-evolution.

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Theonauts 036: The Year in Review
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Happy New Year! In this episode we review our top 5 podcasts of 2014

Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Theonauts Minisode 005: Yearly Affirmations with Stuart Smalley
Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Theonauts Minisodes are short creative vignettes to provide informative theological snippets in a fun way. In this episode... Stuart Smalley reflects on his year.

Friday Dec 19, 2014
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Sony is hacked by the North Koreans and terrorist threats are made. People share what Christmas means to them. The Pope sets your mind at ease about the eternal destiny of your pets. Then we debate whether or not miraculous spiritual gifts have ceased or not.

Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Theonauts 034: The Origins of Christmas
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
After a little trivia fun we dive straight into the questions of where these weird Christmas traditions came from, are they pagan, and should Christians be participating.

Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Satanic group gets permission to display a satanic display at the Florida capital building next to the Christian nativity, non-violent protesters in New York over the Eric Garner case, then we discuss dinosaurs and the flood in our creationism series.

Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Theonauts Minisode 004: The Lost Thanksgiving Screwtape Letter
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Theonauts Minisodes are short creative vignettes to provide informative theological snippets in a fun way. In this episode... the lost Thanksgiving Screwtape Letter.

Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Toys R Us in dispute over Breaking Bad action figures, there's a new Barbie doll with average dimensions and stretchmarks, Bill Cosby is accused of rape, Charles Manson finds a young wife, then we interview Brian Godawa on his new book, David Ascendant.

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
In the shortest episode yet, we talk about the preacher who breaks the longest sermon record, another lost gospel is found, The Simpsons creator leaves a fortune to charity, the Duggar family gets heat on Facebook, then we discuss how Christian should behave online. - Special Guest Hosts: Brenden Taylor and Michael Hansen

Thursday Nov 06, 2014
Thursday Nov 06, 2014
A 90 year old philanthropist and some pastors were fined for feeding the homeless, the Pope calls for Protestant teachers to meet on the topic of marriage, we look at the election results, then we share our top ten favorite Christian books.

Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Saturday Nov 01, 2014
Mars Hill Church closes it's doors, surprising theological survey shows the state of the nations theology, Gods and Kings may be less Biblical, the Pope declares evolution as a tool of God, then we discuss the Age of the Earth.

Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Theonauts Minisode 003: Teen Parenting Tips 1 - Pornography
Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Wednesday Oct 29, 2014
Theonauts Minisodes are short creative vignettes to provide informative theological snippets in a fun way. In this episode... pornography and the teen.

Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Houston amends their subpoena, Mike Huckabee and Phil Robertson get involved with it, Shia LaBeouf converts to Christianity and then we discuss the Spirit of Adoption.

Friday Oct 17, 2014
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Houston subpoenas sermons from area pastors, Mark Driscoll resigns completely, then we discuss our Christian culture and how it compares with what Jesus started.

Friday Oct 10, 2014
Friday Oct 10, 2014
The Left Behind reboot reflops, YouVersion Bible App translates to the world, PornHub advertises in Times Square, and we finish our study on Christian History in Part 5: The Great Awakening.

Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Theonauts Minisode 002: Understanding Theological Terms 1 - The Rapture
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Theonauts Minisodes are short creative vignettes to provide informative theological snippets in a fun way. In this episode... the Rapture

Thursday Oct 02, 2014
Thursday Oct 02, 2014
TD Jakes sues a hip hop artist over sermon sample. Look out for new movies based on video games like Tetris and Angry Birds. Then we address the question what exactly is Heaven?

Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Theonauts Minisode 001: God Blinded Me with Science 1 - Irreducible Complexity
Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Tuesday Sep 30, 2014
Theonauts Minisodes are short creative vignettes to provide informative theological snippets in a fun way. In this episode... the term irreducible complexity.